
Parent helpers out the back are VERY important to ensure children are dressed and ready for each dance. If you are only watching one concert we encourage you to help for the other. If this is your first year with BDA and would like to help but are a bit unsure of what to do, please let us know and we can buddy you with a veteran so they can show you the process.

Please remember that all volunteers will need a current Blue Card AND have it linked to BDA. No one is allowed backstage or side-stage without a blue card. You cannot even walk your child into the dressing room to drop them off. There will be a designated drop off/pick-up point for parents who haven’t volunteered and given us their blue card. Please don’t make it hard for our volunteers on the day by asking to walk your child to the dressing room if you aren’t a volunteer. The answer will be no. If you have not already done so, please see Daniel at the office to organise your Blue Card.

Helpers required:


  • Backstage with costume changes: Assist the children in being dressed and ready side stage, at the right times. This does involve changing hair and reapplying lipstick etc.
  • Side-stage with props: There is heavy lifting involved so we would love some dads or older brothers that are happy to help out and can spare some time to come to some practices. Also lots of small hand held items, like wands, stars, ribbons, etc.
  • Backstage marshal/runners: Students will need to be chaperoned between their rehearsals, or can be sent around the theatre shuffling children around.


Front of house

  • Sign in/out desk: Check off a list when kids get dropped off or collected. Ensure no parents go past without a Blue Card.
  • Ticket Scanner: This year all tickets have been organised through Ticketebo, and as each ticket holder enters the theatre they will need to be scanned by a device. The scanning process is a bit slow so we are planning on having several volunteers at each door to speed up the process. (4 for each concert would be great)
  • Canteen during concert/rehearsal day: Assisting kids and parents with snacks and drinks.
  • Selling Raffle Tickets: during the concert we sell raffle tickets.
  • Monitoring photo orders: Just helping people with their photo orders and directing them when needed.


Pre-Concert Preparations

  • This can include diamonteing, little bits of sewing or crafty type things. If anyone is happy to spare some time on the weekends Mrs Sharon’s husband, Dave, will be working on the props and would love some assistance. We also need some parents that wait around at the studio at times to continue putting costumes away and organising the boxes that are upstairs. Please specify below if there are areas here you’re happy to help with.

Please note, the preferences you select below may be changed depending on number of volunteers.

Volunteer form

Your Details
I can help on the following dates